Goin' Yard

31 August 2010

Here, there, and everywhere

So I've been all over the place since my last post. I never really wrote about my Denver trip that went on in the middle of the move, and I've also been to Kansas City, DC, Philadelphia, and San Jose since then. Yikes. The soccer season is now over, so I'll try to do a Reader's Digest version of the trips I've missed.

CAW timed her visit to see EJ and DH at the same time as mine. After going to the hotel with the team, I met up with the three of them for Mexican food, Colorado-style before we headed to a Rockies-Dodgers game. I really enjoy staying in Denver because we stay right on the mall and can walk around for food, people-watching, and - in my case - baseball.

It was the first full game I've seen at Coors Field, which is a great place to watch a game. My favorite part remains the fact that one row in the upper deck - the row that's exactly 5,280 feet above sea level - is made up entirely of purple seats. Joe Torre made some managerial moves I didn't quite follow - he did the same when I saw the Dodgers in Houston weeks later - but the game was close and enjoyable. We even had time to get some apple cobbler dessert on the way back!

On Saturday, we got together again for lunch at a restaurant named Caitlin's - you'd better believe that made CAW's facebook photo somehow - and hung out at EJ and DH's house (!), which I had the pleasure of seeing for the first time. How are all my friends old enough to be buying houses? Am I that old too?

Anyway, I had to get back to the official reason for my trip, which was a game ... that went terribly. Let's not talk about it. We met up back at the hotel - that got some wisecracks from a coach with whom we shared an elevator - and then got some late-night food, watched some college football highlights, and said our goodbyes.

Then it was up early in the a.m. for a flight back to H-town and the moving game.

30 August 2010

Moving days

So this week was the long-dreaded move from an apartment on the third floor up to the fourth floor. I was really worried it was going to end up being a one-day thing, on Sunday, but I was able to get the keys on Thursday, thereby making it a more manageable, two-day process.

Being Jon, there was not too much of a moving plan. That's the beauty of staying in the same apartment complex, right? So there was the stray box packed in advance, but mostly the plan was just to ferry stuff back and forth.

With the help of a couple of sturdy boxes, that pretty much worked on Thursday. It's entirely possible parts of the move took longer than if I had boxed anything. On the other hand, I feel like the process as a whole - settling in on the other end included - went pretty darn well. LMH was kind enough to help on Thursday by moving the kitchen, which I surely would have had trouble with, and things were good.

It felt weird having full parts of the apartment be empty. I was pretty much moved out except for bed and bathroom stuff by Thursday night, with just enough time Friday to shower and return my cable unit before heading out on the team trip - to be covered in a separate post.

Got back Sunday, moved some other small stuff, and called in the troops. CWFM, JS, LMH, and eventually former roommate JM all did yeoman's work moving couch, bed, bookcases, dressers, and the like. CWFM in particular liked to try to take things by himself. For me, the highlight of the afternoon was CWFM carrying a pile of couch cushions so high he couldn't see over them. As JS said, it looked a bit like a cartoon.

So the move of the big stuff left about a gazillion cardboard boxes in our storage closet that I had no use for. And a spare bed with no destination. Whoops. It also left us all pretty darn sweaty, since the weather was exactly what you'd expect for Texas in August. JM stuck around to help me fold up cardboard boxes ... saved me a ton of time ... so I could take them to be recycled.

That left the bed, which I eventually got JK to accept on a temporary basis in his extra bedroom. Spent the afternoon/evening exhausted and probably a bit dehydrated. It always feels very mentally odd to be without a stable home. A place to sleep I had, but nothing else was set up.

After the Rice soccer game that evening, I was able to move some stuff around and get the place close to habitable. Then that night at about 11:30, when JK got back, we set to moving the Ikea bed across the circle to his apartment. Turned out to be one of the more exhausting parts of the day. It seems things just get hotter - and certainly more humid - as the day goes on in Texas. I might have sweated more on those two trips than I did the rest of the day.

At any rate, it all got moved. The new apartment is definitely smaller ... everything feels maybe 10 percent smaller than it should. But I'll definitely get used to it. There are some bugs that need to be cleaned, and a lot of stuff to move, and I should have cable figured out by the end of the week ... but I've got somewhere to lay my head again. Ain't that sweet?

Thanks again to everybody who helped in the move! Couldn't have done it without you.