Here, there, and everywhere
So I've been all over the place since my last post. I never really wrote about my Denver trip that went on in the middle of the move, and I've also been to Kansas City, DC, Philadelphia, and San Jose since then. Yikes. The soccer season is now over, so I'll try to do a Reader's Digest version of the trips I've missed.
CAW timed her visit to see EJ and DH at the same time as mine. After going to the hotel with the team, I met up with the three of them for Mexican food, Colorado-style before we headed to a Rockies-Dodgers game. I really enjoy staying in Denver because we stay right on the mall and can walk around for food, people-watching, and - in my case - baseball.
It was the first full game I've seen at Coors Field, which is a great place to watch a game. My favorite part remains the fact that one row in the upper deck - the row that's exactly 5,280 feet above sea level - is made up entirely of purple seats. Joe Torre made some managerial moves I didn't quite follow - he did the same when I saw the Dodgers in Houston weeks later - but the game was close and enjoyable. We even had time to get some apple cobbler dessert on the way back!
On Saturday, we got together again for lunch at a restaurant named Caitlin's - you'd better believe that made CAW's facebook photo somehow - and hung out at EJ and DH's house (!), which I had the pleasure of seeing for the first time. How are all my friends old enough to be buying houses? Am I that old too?
Anyway, I had to get back to the official reason for my trip, which was a game ... that went terribly. Let's not talk about it. We met up back at the hotel - that got some wisecracks from a coach with whom we shared an elevator - and then got some late-night food, watched some college football highlights, and said our goodbyes.
Then it was up early in the a.m. for a flight back to H-town and the moving game.
CAW timed her visit to see EJ and DH at the same time as mine. After going to the hotel with the team, I met up with the three of them for Mexican food, Colorado-style before we headed to a Rockies-Dodgers game. I really enjoy staying in Denver because we stay right on the mall and can walk around for food, people-watching, and - in my case - baseball.
On Saturday, we got together again for lunch at a restaurant named Caitlin's - you'd better believe that made CAW's facebook photo somehow - and hung out at EJ and DH's house (!), which I had the pleasure of seeing for the first time. How are all my friends old enough to be buying houses? Am I that old too?
Anyway, I had to get back to the official reason for my trip, which was a game ... that went terribly. Let's not talk about it. We met up back at the hotel - that got some wisecracks from a coach with whom we shared an elevator - and then got some late-night food, watched some college football highlights, and said our goodbyes.
Then it was up early in the a.m. for a flight back to H-town and the moving game.